Current Price Lists
Current Price Lists
In the spirit of Groundhog Day, we have a do-over on the first article in the newsletter we sent earlier today. We apologize for any confusion.
All of our current price lists are dated with 2022.
Our current MSRP Price Lists are always available in our knowledgebase at www.RasBox.com (see “Featured Articles”). The current Form Numbers are listed at the bottom of every Sales Order and Invoice. The current form numbers and effective dates are:
Rasmussen Gas Logs, Alterna Contemporary Gas Fires and Chillbuster Vent-free log sets. Form: LP-422 Effective April 18, 2022
Solaire Retail Price List. Form: SOL-SRP-422 Effective April 18, 2022
Bromic Radiant Patio Heaters. Form: BRLP-822-23 Effective August 1, 2022
Prices are subject to change, which is likely soon because of the upward movement in costs of materials, components, labor, and freight. We will provide adequate notice before any changes.
Bromic Electric Heaters Sale

Bromic has relaxed the MAP policy by 20% from February 1 until April 10, 2023, for the following four items:
MSRP = $690 Promo Price = $552
BR-ETNG40 (BH0420032) 4000W Tungsten Electric 220V-240V Black
MSRP = $857 Promo Price = $685
BR-ETNG40-208 (BH0420034) 4000W Tungsten Electric 208V Black
MSRP = $857 Promo Price = $685
BR-ETNG40-WH (BH0420012) 4000W Tungsten Electric 220V-240V White
MSRP = $879 Promo Price = $705
Rasmussen is running a SALE on the above Bromic Heaters through April 10, 2023. If you did not receive our direct email to your company about this, and are interested in saving $$ on these Bromic heaters, please contact Rett Rasmussen at Rett@Rasmussen.biz or 562-696-8718.
2022 Top Sellers
For your information and planning, here are the Top Sellers, based on units sold, for our main categories of products. The percentages shown for the Top Five are compared to the total for those in the top ten, not overall. A quick analysis shows:
- FireBalls continue to increase in popularity (both Vented and Vent-free).
- The CS Burner continues as our best-selling burner style, another testimony to the popularity of FireBalls.
- Evening Prestige continues as the most popular log style, with Birch jumping up two spots from last year.
- Electronic Ignition Variable Remote Control in Valve Vanisher (VEI) is, by far, the most popular Vented safety/lighting control system we offer. Learn more about our Valve Vanisher.
- Likewise, the Electronic Ignition Variable Remote Control (EI) is the most popular Vent-Free safety/lighting control system.
- The Solaire Everywhere Portable Infrared Grill continues as our best selling grill, as it is favored by RVers because of its compact size and grilling power. The 27XL continues to be the best-selling “big” grill, being the convergence of size and price, with the 30” size leaping over two Portable grills from last year to snag the 4th spot.
- Within Bromic, Electric outsold installed Gas heaters about 3 to 1.
- Tungsten Gas edged out Platinum Gas.
- Tungsten Electric sold 3X as many as Platinum Electric.
- Tungsten 6000W Black Electric continues to be the most sold Bromic heater by 2X the number of the next best seller, the Tungsten Portable (propane)
Vented Logs
- 4” FireBalls (29.3%)
- Evening Prestige (11.6%)
- Birch (9.2%)
- Lone Star (8.3%)
- Massive FireBalls (5”, 6”, 7”, 8”) (8.1%)
- Mixed FireBalls
- Prestige Oak
- TimberFire
- Manzanita
- Evening CrossFire
FireBalls Colors – Vented (FB, MFB, BALL)
- Black (31.6%)
- Natural (31.2%)
- Dark Gray (22.3%)
- Light Gray (11.7%)
- Beige (2.2%)
- Brown
- Adobe Red
- Mixed Colors
FireBalls Colors – Vent-Free
- Light Gray (27.8%)
- Black (23.2%)
- Natural (23.0%)
- Dark Gray (21.9%)
- Beige (3.1%)
- Brown
- Adobe Red
Vented Burners
- CS-B Custom Pan Burner-Black (38.3%)
- FX Flaming Ember XTRA Burner (29.6%)
- F Flaming Ember Burner (14.3%)
- LC Multi-Burner (4.9%)
- CXF-B Custom Embers-Black (3.6%)
- LD Mult-Burner
- DF-CF Double Face Burner
- TNA/TNA-E Tipi/Andiron Burner
- CS-SR Custom Pan Burner – Stainless Steel
- FGV FireGlitter/FLB FireLine
Factory-Assembled Safety/Lighting Controls (Vented)
- VEI – Electronic Ignition Variable Remote in Valve Vanisher (56.7%)
- RE & RMC1E – Variable Remote EASY (16.9%)
- SE & RPK3E – Remote Ready EASY (7.3%)
- S & RPK3/RPK1 – Millivolt/Remote Ready (6.4%)
- ME & SPK3E – Manual EASY (6.0%)
- VMV – Millivolt/Remote Ready in Valve Vanisher (4.9%)
- (tie) M & SPK1 – Manual (0.9% & VSP – Manual in Valve Vanisher (0.9%)
Vent-Free (Chillbuster and Alterna)
- AFB FireBalls (71.0%)
- C9 CoalFire (7.7%)
- AFM FireGlitter (4.2%)
- C5 Triple Burner (5.2%)
(4.1%) - DFC7 Double Face
(3.1%) - C1 Single Burner
- C8 Double Burner
- C7 Single Burner
- AFS FireStones
Safety/Lighting Controls (Vent-Free)
- EI – Electronic Ignition Variable Remote (35.5%)
- S – Millivolt/Remote Ready (23.6%)
- ME – Manual EASY (16.7%)
- RE – Variable Remote EASY (14.5%)
- SE – Remote Ready EASY (8.7%)
- M – Manual (1.0%)
Solaire Grills – By Size
1) EV17A Solaire Everywhere (29.0%)
2 tie) IR17B Solaire Anywhere (14.4%)
2 tie) 27XL (14.4%)
4) 30” (8.5%)
5) IR17BWR Solaire Anywhere with Warming Rack (8.0%)
6)IR8A Solaire Anywhere Mini
7) 27”
8) 36”
9) 21”
10) AA23A AllAbout Double Burner
Bromic Patio Heaters
- BR-ETNG60 6000W Black Electric (31.7%)
- BR-TNGPORTA-LP Tungsten Portable
(15.4%) - BR-ETNG40 4000W Black Electric (10.9%)
- BR-ETNG60-WH 6000W White Electric (10.2%)
- EPLA34 Platinum Electric – Black (9.0%)
- BR-TNG500 Tungsten 500 Natural Gas
- BR-PLA500 Platinum 500 Natural Gas
- BR-EPLA34 Platinum Electric – White
- BR-ETNG40 4000W White Electric
- BR-EPLA23 Platinum Electric – Black
Quote of the Month
If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.
— Andrew Carnegie