Is it in stock? |
Every day we are contacted by customers asking if we have particular items in stock. We can truthfully answer "Yes, and No."
With extensive product lines and a variety of sizes, styles, variations and colors, for us to have on-the-shelf quantities of every price list item would require a much larger facility than our four acres, and would be an inefficient use of our financial resources. So how do we do it? Some items, like most logs, vented match-lit hearth kits, and portable infrared grills are, in fact, "on the shelf". Many items are built to the sub-assembly level which allows us to quickly complete the item exactly as you need it once you place your order. Rarely is there an item that must be started from scratch. We have to stay at least one step ahead of our customers, especially because we deal with vendors who may take up to twelve weeks to fulfill our orders. We carry a substantial inventory of parts, but wait until the last minute, when you place your order, to commit these long lead-time items to a finished product.
FireBalls, FireShapes, and FireStones always need two to three days (maybe a bit more during the fireplace season or rainy weather). We have baskets and pallets full of the various shapes and sizes, but we color all of these items to order. Depending on the weather, we need to let them dry for a day or two before we can package them. With eight different colors, and a multitude of combinations of colors, Murphy's Law would kick in if we tried to make stock on the colored items. Using our method, we can provide you with exactly what you need within just a few days.
We also are asked "How soon can we get it?" In most cases, your question will be answered with "When do you need it?" An accurate answer to our question helps us meet your needs, or for us explain the various factors in meeting your time requirement, chiefly the transit time required by either UPS or common carrier. Production backlog could also be a factor, especially in season. Please rest assured that we take your order seriously and want to ship it out as quickly as you want us to do so.
Our goal is to under-promise and over-deliver. We cherish your business, want to meet your needs, and want to earn your repeat business. If we miss the mark, please let us know so we can improve.
Dealer Business Alliance Webinar– 10/11/11, Noon PST |
The next Dealer Business Alliance Conference Call will be held on Tuesday 10/11, at 12:00 noon PST.
It will actually be a webinar where slides will be shown to accompany the topic discussed. We are pleased to have Lee Sweeney of ACG Technologies as our featured guest speaker. Lee is a technology expert, and he will provide you with a proven roadmap to follow that will help you take advantage of the local prospects surrounding your business.
Have you noticed a decrease in walk-in traffic?
Is it getting harder and harder to generate leads for your business?
Are you losing business to internet-only retailers?
If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions, then you need to attend this webinar.
On this webinar you will learn:
- What businesses need to do to attract more local traffic into your retail locations;
- The most important action you need to take to ensure that you are found online by people looking for a brick and mortar retailer, and not an internet-only retailer;
- What the biggest mistake struggling businesses make that cause them thousands of dollars in lost revenue and what you need to do to avoid it.
In order to survive and thrive in business in this tough economic climate, you need down-to-earth, solid information about what is currently working for small and midsized business. This is what you will receive on this webinar.
Since this is a live webinar, we only have a limited number of spaces available, so it's important that you register today.
Webinar details:
- Date / Time: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 at 12:00 noon PST
- Duration: 60 minutes
- Your cost: Complimentary, courtesy of Rasmussen Gas Logs & Grills
- How to Register: Simply click here.

We look forward to sharing this valuable information with you.
Rasmussen Gas Logs or Alterna in Gas Fireplace |
Rett Rasmussen addresses the question "Can I use Rasmussen Gas Logs or Alterna Contemporary Balls, Shapes or Stones in my gas fireplace?"
As much as we all wish to "make the sale", some installations are not suitable for retrofit sets like Rasmussen manufactures.
What's working out there? |

We want more feedback!
Please email to rett@rasmussen.biz a picture and a paragraph that we can share in this newsletter of a success story you would like to share. Photos showing unique installations or special touches would be helpful. Perhaps you totally nailed a presentation because you _________ (fill in the blank and send in the story).
Important Info & Announcements |
New Price List for Rasmussen Gas Logs, Chillbuster and Alterna
All good things must come to an end. Our current prices have been in effect for over 3 1/2 years. We have absorbed many cost increases during the downturn, but we must recover some of them now. Accordingly, the new price list reflects, in general, a 10% increase across the board. The new prices are effective for all orders placed on and after November 1, 2011. The new price list will be available for download on Monday October 10 from www.RasBox.com
The new price list integrates into one list what used to be two. It also includes many new items:
Read More

Gas Log and Alterna Ordering Tips

- A complete set includes logs or shapes; burner; and control. Some burner kits include the control.
- Order by price list item number. Adding the description is helpful, but the item number is the language we speak.
- Specify N (natural gas) or P (propane) as desired for all burner ("hearth) kits and safety controls.
- Specify the color for all FireBalls, FireStones, FireShapes, FireGlitter and FireDrops.
- Specify the chassis type B (black) or SS (stainless steel) for all Alterna Vent-free sets.
- Please detail any special requirements, such as "date needed by", requested freight carrier, or anything else of importance. Please tell us so we know how to meet your needs.

"Save Gas Logs" Latest News

Please check out www.SaveGasLogs.com for the latest news on the DOE assault on vented gas logs. If you sell, install or service gas log sets, this issue affects you. Please become involved for, at a minimum, your own business' sake.
- Contact your Congressman now.
- Submit your comments to the DOE on the proposed rule before the October 14 deadline.
- Industry response to request by DOE for a plant visit by their contractor.

VIDEO: How to Grow Your Sales

Watch Video
Make More Money NOW! |
Introducing the NEW Dealer Business Alliance (DBA) Program, sponsored by Rasmussen.

Here's what you get FREE:
- Advertising, branding strategies & collateral
- Inside & outside sales strategies & training
- Online PR development & distribution
- Email marketing tools & distribution
- Website deveopment & SEO Strategies
- Live & online training events
With Rasmussen and the Dealer Business Alliance program, you can make more money now.

Be sure to bookmark these useful pages:
Gas Log Service Tip |
Fall weather is here and consumers are starting up their gas log sets. Read about the #1 Tip for Vent-free gas logs and heaters if the complaint is "hard to light" or "turns off after a few minutes of use" (Hint – it is merely a simple cleaning).
www.RasBox.com is our knowledge base for information and troubleshooting help – check it out for this and other helpful information.
Copyright 2011 Rasmussen Gas Logs & Grills. All Rights Reserved.