Corporate Communication 2
Memorial Day |
As May closes, we observe Memorial Day, a day where we honor and remember those who have died while in military service to our great country. This weekend also marks the start of the summer season. So this weekend, fly your American Flag proudly; visit a cemetery or watch the Memorial Day ceremonies broadcast from Arlington National Cemetery (on CSPAN); say a prayer for those whose supreme sacrifice have contributed to our liberty; and enjoy some great grilled food. Enjoy all that is Americana!Rasmussen will be closed Monday, May 30, 2011, in observance. |
Solaire will be a featured product on tonight’s new episode of Yard Crashers on the DIY network, 10 PM Eastern/Pacific. Check your cable system for the channel. This episode (Colonial Hillside Redo) will rebroadcast twenty-one times during the next month (check listing at We haven’t seen it yet, but we hope it brings additional exposure for Solaire. Check it out!
Important Videos to Watch |
NEW PRODUCT– 21″ Grills Rett introduces the new 21″ Solaire Grills, in built-in and pedestal models, for smaller patios, balconies and personal grilling.
Watch Video
Solaire Demo Program Update
Watch the video and fill out the form to receive your Solaire Demo Program Counter Card and to be listed as a participating dealer on our website.
Watch Video
Rasmussen’s DBA Helps Your Business
Ed and Rett discuss internet visibility issues dealers have, and offer a free Search Engine Optimization (SEO) evaluation for your website.
Watch Video
Be Prepared to Handle “Internet Shoppers”
Every dealer should have a store policy on how you will handle situations when a consumer throws down the internet print-out.
Rett recommends that you view it as an offer that you can either Accept, Decline or Counter. Ed provides a communication tip. Be prepared!
Watch Video |
Make More Money NOW! |
Introducing the NEW Dealer Business Alliance (DBA) Program, sponsored by Rasmussen.

Here’s what you get FREE:
- Advertising, branding strategies & collateral
- Inside & outside sales strategies & training
- Online PR development & distribution
- Email marketing tools & distribution
- Website deveopment & SEO Strategies
- Live & online training events
With Rasmussen and the Dealer Business Alliance program, you can make more money now.

What’s working out there? |
We’ve been hearing some positive reports from the field that 2011 is shaping up well, especially compared to the past couple of years. What’s do you see? What actions have you taken that have had positive results? Please email to a picture and a paragraph that we can share in this newsletter. Photos showing unique installations or special touches would be helpful. Such an idea exchange could be quite valuable – you might find that next big idea for your shop that has proven results from another area of the country. We’ll provide full attribution to those contributions that we use, with a link back to your website (which helps increase your search engine ranking).
Copyright 2011 Rasmussen Gas Logs & Grills. All Rights Reserved. |