NEW Price Lists – Same as the Old Price Lists
Our Minimum Advertised Pricing Policy (MAPP) for Logs, Solaire, and Bromic is MSRP. Please be sure all advertised prices (such as in online stores, web listings, or print ads) are in conformance with our policy, which you may view at
NEW “RasBox.com” KnowledgeBase

We have a new look and a new engine powering www.RasBox.com, our KnowledgeBase and repository for many items, such as instruction manuals, log set compositions, how-tos, and other helpful information.
Type your question or key words into the “How can we help” box. Narrow your search by pulling down the menu at “All Categories” and select the category you desire:

We are always adding and revising the articles in RasBox. Please contact us if you don’t find what you seek.
Why V-Grates?

The V-shape Grilling Grates included with every Solaire Infrared Grill work hand-in-glove with the high heat of the Solaire Infrared Burner to provide the best performance, food taste, and elimination of flare-ups available in any gas grill. We do not offer any other design of grate. Please view the video where we compare V-grate vs. Round Rod Grate at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cR49lrS0JrU
We often encounter customers with the grate in the upside down V. This is similar to a round rod grate, but worse, because when the V-grate is upside down the food is closer to the burners, which will result in burned outside and rare or raw inside.
Want to learn about cleaing the V-grates> Go to www.RasBox.com, pulldown “Solaire Infrared Grills, type “How to clean V-grates” and click on an article.
Quote of the Month
“April is a moment of joy for those who have survived the winter .”
— Samuel Johnson