NEW Price Lists (effective April 18, 2022)
Price changes for our Gas Logs and Solaire Infrared Grill lines are effective for all orders placed on or after Monday, April 18, 2022.
Like everyone, we have experienced sudden, substantial, and sustained cost increases in materials, components, supplies, freight, insurance, and labor – you name it, it’s gone up, and gone up big. This has resulted in our increasing prices 10% across the board.
All prices are effective for orders placed on or after April 18, 2022
Bromic’s prices from September 1, 2021 remain current.
Click here to download the current Bromic MSRP Price list.
Our Minimum Advertised Pricing Policy (MAPP) for Logs, Solaire, and Bromic is MSRP, so please be sure to update all advertised prices (such as in online stores, web listings, or print ads) by April 18, 2022.