Save Gas Logs Update

The HPBA Gas Hearth Section met in Detroit on September 15 to discuss the variety of issues facing our portion of the industry. Twenty five people in person and six on the phone discussed the latest updates and industry actions on the Department of Energy’s conservation efforts, Zero Net Energy, and ASRAE issues regarding vent-free gas products. Much work is still in progress, some of which is awaiting moves by the regulating agencies/bodies, so it is premature and not prudent to delve into our discussions. But, Rasmussen is active in representing your and our interests regarding gas logs issue, and we’ll let you know of any threats, changes or victories at the appropriate time.
Personalized Gas Log Set Sizing
When you need our advice on the right gas log set for your client’s fireplace, please complete the form at:
This provides us with the information we need to provide you with an informed quote, or a basis for asking questions. It also saves your time and ours by reducing greatly the back-and-forth that occurs when the information is trickled to us. This link is also available at
Solaire AllAbout TableTop Grills
We have expanded our line by two more grills:

AllAbout Double Burner.
We created this grill after hearing from Solaire Anywhere and Everywhere Portable Grill owners who wanted a bigger grilling surface. With 80% more grilling area and a warming shelf that is integrated into the hood, at just 45 lbs., the AllAbout Double Burner fits the bill. Operating from a standard 20 lb. propane tank, it has the same controllable valves as used in our large backyard grills. It also has Solaire’s trademark V-grates and electronic ignition. MSRP $797. Accessories include a Tripod (SOL-AATRI) and Natural Gas Conversion Kit (SOL-AA23NGC).

AllAbout Single Burner.
This narrower version of the Double Burner is now the Grill we ship for our Demo Rental Program. It has the grilling area of an Anywhere, but has the integrated warming rack, valve, V-grate and electronic ignition of the Double Burner. It is also offered for sale. MSRP $547. It works with the same Tripod as the Anywhere (SOL-SATRI) and Natural Gas Conversion Kit (SOL-AA12NGC) is available.
Troubleshooting Tips
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People are starting to use their gas log sets for the first time this season. Here are the main issues you may get calls about:
- Trouble lighting the pilot.
- For both vent-free and EIS (VEI) systems, the most likely issue is the result of the air intake holes of the ODS Pilot being clogged with lint from years of use without cleaning them out. Please view the troubleshooting information at It describes easy cleaning of your ODS pilot which solves 98% of issues with the ODS. It also has photos to help identify the replacement part for purchasing a replacement, if the cleaning does not successfully correct the issue. This guidance has resulted in many happy customers (read testimonials at ).
- General Pilot Lighting Instructions are in our knowledge base, specifically at
- Replace the batteries in both the transmitter and the receiver with fresh batteries. A weak battery in the transmitter may not allow it to “speak” with the receiver. Weak batteries in the receiver will not have sufficient power to operate the valve, solenoid or motor drive (as appropriate with your particular control system). Check batteries with a voltmeter before using, as ones new out of the pack are not always “fresh”. (Please Note – batteries are also the first item to replace in a Solaire with burner lighting issues).
- Odor
- Vented – Ensure the damper is WIDE OPEN and that there are no obstructions (bee hives, bird nests, etc.). If odors, smoke and other combustion products from the pretty yellow flame can’t go up the chimney, they will go into the room.
- Vent-Free – Since the gas log set is drawing its combustion air from the living area, any odors or impurities present in the room will be recycled through the flame and recirculated back into the room as noticeable odors. Have they remodeled or painted the inside of the home since the last time they used their vent-free gas log set? Offgassing from fresh paint or varnish, paint remover, cements and glues, new carpet or textiles, etc. will result in odors. Other sources of odors are pet hair, dust build-up in and around the gas log set, cigarette smoke, potpourri and incense. Odors can also be released from residue that remains in the firebox and flue from previous wood burning. Slightly opening a window to allow more fresh air into the room, and/or slightly opening the chimney damper to allow some of the products of combustion to vent up the chimney can help your situation if you are unable to identify a specific contributor to the odor, or if the natural odor of combustion is unacceptable.
While your customer’s attention is focused on his gas log set, and since the set may have been installed for a while and may or may not have had any user maintenance performed on it, we recommend that he do the following:
- Thoroughly read the instruction manual, which may be downloaded installation/instruction manuals from our website at
- Ensure that all air intake regions of the lower part of the burner, as well as the burner ports themselves, are clear of dust, lint or other debris that would block proper air intake or gas flow. Please view the photos found at for the location of these regions.
- Ensure that the logs are arranged in accordance with the instructions. Improper log placement can result in substandard performance.
- Ensure the firebox is clean of any soot or residue from previous wood burning that the previous owner may not have, but should have, removed before placing the gas log set into service.
Quote of the Month
Perfection is not attainable. But if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence.
— Vince Lombardi, Head Coach Green Bay Packers (1959-67)
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