This newsletter has very important pricing and product information. Please read through each article carefully.
NEW Log Price List
You can use the Table of Contents on the Front Cover, or the Index on the Back Page, to find what you need. We also have a familiarization video (mini-webinar) available to assist you in using the new price list, linked at
The new prices are effective for all orders placed on and after Tuesday, September 6, 2016.
Learn more about Rasmussen Gas Logs, Alterna and Chillbuster at
NEW Bromic Patio Heater List

You can access the new price list by clicking on the button below:
Bromic has announced a price change. The new prices are effective for all orders placed on and after Tuesday, September 6, 2016.
Learn more about Bromic Radiant Patio Heaters at
NEW Solaire Infrared Grills Price List

You can access the new price list by clicking on the button below:
This new price list does not change any prices, but it adds the Solaire AllAbout TableTop Grills and accessories, and the new Solaire Anywheres with integral Warming Rack (304 and 316 SS versions). It also adds some ignition module options to replace the SOL-6070R (which is unavailable), and removes refrigeration items due to a lack of sales. The new prices are effective now and the new AllAbout and Anywhere grills are available now.
Grills at
Photos of these new grills, as well as new photos for many Solaires, are in our photo repository at
Reminder – MAP Policy

Minimum Advertising Pricing Policy = Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price
MAPP = MSRP for all Rasmussen, Solaire and Bromic products.
Please review our MAP Policy.