Threat Watch – Your action is needed
The hearth industry needs your immediate input to stave off a severe threat to the accessory industry.
The National Fire Protection Association is accepting comments for the 2016 edition of NFPA 211, their Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents and Solid Fuel-Burning Appliances. There are six sections that pose a severe threat to accessories, including gas logs. If passed as proposed, only gas log sets that have been specifically tested and listed to each factory-built fireplace. Conceivably, the few remaining wood-burning fireplace manufacturers could deny such testing request, causing a severe restraint of trade. If they did allow it, the cost to test and list would be prohibitive for all but a select few log sets and fireplaces, severely limiting the dealers’ options of salable gas log sets. This also applies to other accessories, such as glass doors, screens, grates, log lighters, spark arrestors, caps and decorative shrouds.
The deadline to submit comments is this Friday, November 14, 2014, at 5pm EST. Details on the comment/substantiation process are at
Please contact Rett Rasmussen at 562-696-8718 or if you have any questions.
There is also a petition to sign at We’re not sure if it will help, but it can’t hurt.
DOE – Storm Clouds A-brewin’
We have word that the DOE is moving to act on their Proposed Coverage of Hearth Products that they initiated on December 31, 2013
(please see and )
While we cannot take any specific action or know how to advise you on specific comments until DOE publishes a specific Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR), gas appliance manufacturers are meeting with HPBA staff in Denver on Thursday, November 20, 2014 to strategize for the future. I will share with you what I can afterwards, but much of what we will speak of may need to remain confidential until DOE publishes their NOPR. Suffice it to say, Rasmussen, HPBA and select other gas fireplace manufacturers are trying to be as proactive as we can be against an adversary who will not meet or communicate substantively with us.
In the meantime, please continue to sell, sell and sell our products so we can pay the costs of fighting these threats to the products that we make, you sell, and consumers enjoy.
Please contact Rett Rasmussen at 562-696-8718 or if you have any questions.
Election Results
How will the election results of Nov. 4 affect these threats to the Hearth Industry?
Well, they certainly didn’t hurt us, but the Obama administration remains in power over the Executive Branch, under which the DOE operates. Potential legislative actions to help our industry will certainly be met with more sympathetic ears than in the past. But, I can foresee the administration acting like a cornered animal and lashing out wherever they can to exert their authority and legitimacy. As they have already demonstrated, they will use all of their regulatory power (and then some) to achieve their aims if they are unable to do so legislatively.
But, overall, I am very optimistic. If the Republicans act to govern with their two-house control of Congress, rather than to exact retribution or be suckered into not acting on their core principles of limited government and economic growth, then I foresee the next 12 to 24 months to be the firming of a very sound foundation for great growth for our country and economy. This could result in a positive change in the White House in 2016 that could continue the upward climb for at least two year or more beyond. We live in interesting times. Please stay active and engaged on the threats to the Hearth Industry. And please contact me if you have any questions or comments.
Rett Rasmussen
Veterans Day Quote of the Month
We remember those who were called upon to give all a person can give, and we remember those who were prepared to make that sacrifice if it were demanded of them in the line of duty, though it never was. Most of all, we remember the devotion and gallantry with which all of them ennobled their nation as they became champions of a noble cause.
— Ronald Reagan
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