Oct / Nov 2011

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  "Save Gas Logs" Latest News

pic5The Battle is Won, but the War Still Rages On.

We've won a battle to save gas logs, but the war rages on. Late on November 9, 2011, the US Department of Energy (DOE) gave notice that they will publish a Final Rule to their July 22, 2011 Notice of Proposed Rule in the Federal Register in the near future. Whereas the DOE desired in July to impose four specific restrictions on vented gas log set (eliminating standing pilots and requiring all gas log sets to be listed to ANSI Z21.60 standard being the most damaging), the Final Rule imposes no such restrictions on gas log sets. It does place four restrictions on vented decorative gas fireplaces, but these had been proposed by our industry during previous negotiations with DOE.;

It is evident that the testimony that Rasmussen and others provided directly to DOE, and the comments that gas log supporters submitted to DOE and their congressional representatives had impact on the DOE's Final Rule. Congratulations and thanks to those who participated in fighting for vented gas log sets.

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  DBA Webinar Recording Download

webinarOn Tuesday, October 11, 2011, we held our second Dealer Business Alliance conference call.

We used the webinar-type format with slide show and audio. We had a few technical glitches but powered through them to deliver relevant and timely information to help improve your business.

Guest speaker Lee Sweeney of ACG Technologies spoke about recent changes to the Google search algorithm that favors local dealers like you and ways that you can take advantage of these developments. Signing up for and fine tuning Google Places is a no cost (just your time) first step. Lee spoke about "Mobilization" and how important it is to optimize your website for mobile smart phones. In fact, Google can tell if a user is searching from a mobile device, and favors serving up websites that are mobile optimized. Lee also spoke about updating your website to keep it relevant and fresh, just like your physical store.

View the Mobilization Webinar Replay or Download Video File

The era of personal service is back and Rasmussen is committed to assisting our dealers. Please watch our newsletter and emails for announcements of future DBA conferences.


  What's working out there?

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We want more feedback!

Please email to rett@rasmussen.biz a picture and a paragraph that we can share in this newsletter of a success story you would like to share.  Photos showing unique installations or special touches would be helpful.  Perhaps you totally nailed a presentation because you _________ (fill in the blank and send in the story).

    Relevant Info for Your Business

Boost business without breaking the bank this holiday seasonpic5

Given the economic troubles, drawing business this holiday season might be a challenge. But a few strategies can help such as carefully doling out coupons and making your order and delivery process as easy as possible, Jeanne Rossomme writes.

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rule1Cook a Turkey on Solaire Infrared


A turkey at Thanksgiving or Christmas is a holiday tradition for many families, and the Rasmussens are no exception.  I roasted our family's 15 pound turkey on our 42-inch Solaire Infrared Grill. We have the IRBQ-42C, which does not have the rear infrared rotisserie burner. Not to worry, as you can prepare almost any kind of food on a Solaire – it's all about managing the heat.

Read Morerule19 tips for giving your people the praise they deserve


When offering praise to your employees, it's important to understand what makes each person tick, Jeff Haden writes. "Your goal is to know your every employee so you can recognize each one in the manner that produces the greatest impact for that person," he writes. Also remember that recognition is more effective the quicker it is given and be sincere with your praise, he recommends.

Read Morerule1Rotary 4-Way Testpic5

In this special video, Rett Rasmussen talks about values by explaining Rotary International's Four-Way Test.

Watch Video


    Make More Money NOW!

Introducing the NEW Dealer Business Alliance (DBA) Program, sponsored by Rasmussen.


Here's what you get FREE:

  • Advertising, branding strategies & collateral
  • Inside & outside sales strategies & training
  • Online PR development & distribution
  • Email marketing tools & distribution
  • Website deveopment & SEO Strategies
  • Live & online training events

With Rasmussen and the Dealer Business Alliance program, you can make more money now.


    HELPFUL Links

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  Happy Thanksgiving!

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Let us remember that, as much has been given us, much will be expected from us, and that true homage comes from the heart as well as from the lips, and shows itself in deeds.

–Theodore Roosevelt

From the Rasmussen family to yours. We want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!



Copyright 2011 Rasmussen Gas Logs & Grills. All Rights Reserved.


May 2024

— Memorial Day Holiday Closure Schedule
— A Memorial Day Remembrance

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April 2024

– NEW Price Lists – Same as the Old Price Lists
– NEW “RasBox.com” KnowledgeBase
– Why V-Grates?

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November 2023

– Happy Veterans Day – November 11, 2023
– Bromic – New product announcement and Revised Price List
– New “VRP” Standing Pilot with Variable Flame Height Remote Control
– Holiday Closure Schedule

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June 2023

– Happy Independence Day!
– Why So Many Boxes?
– Solaire Infrared Grills – Basics Quickstart

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