NEW– Valve Vanisher™ with Millivolt Standing Pilot Control |
We have now applied a millivolt control valve to the Valve Vanisher™ for nine different burner styles, with sizes from 15" to 30".
The Millivolt Control System derives its power to operate from the standing pilot and thermo-generator. After manually lighting the pilot, it provides ON and OFF control from the switch installed on the front. It can also be operated from a wall switch, wall timer, or wireless remote control (all sold separately). Millivolt Controls are compatible with home automation systems, exhaust fans and automatic dampers. The Millivolt Control provides a lower cost alternative to the Electronic Ignition System that is also available with the Valve Vanisher™. For more information simply reply back to this email.
Tool Tip! |
One of the best free computer "tools" you can have is Dropbox.
One of the best free computer "tools" you can have is Dropbox. Dropbox is cloud storage that lets you access the files in your Dropbox from your computer, phone, iPad and the Dropbox website. It is also great for sharing files with others, especially files that are too large to email.
I use a MacBook Pro as my primary computer. With its dual processor, I installed VirtualBox so I can run Microsoft XP (for using Quickbooks) as well as the Mac OS (for doing almost everything else). I had a hard time figuring out how to move files from the "PC side" to the "Mac side", and vice-versa. Dropbox was the answer. I save everything that I do on the PC side to Dropbox. Within seconds, it is available to the Mac side. It is amazingly simple, yet powerful.
You can sign up here http://db.tt/iTA0a72 for 2GB of free storage. You can increase your amount of free storage by getting your friends to sign up, up to 18GB. They offer 50GB for $99/year, but I've found the free storage to be sufficient – and I use it everyday.
Rett's Reading Rec |
I like to read and listen to audio books in order to stay up on trends and to grow as a person, business owner and leader. In this new feature, I will share with you books I have enjoyed and found valuable to me and my business.
The Thank You Economy by Gary Vaynerchuk
Gary has been called the Jim Cramer of marketing. He grew his dad's liquor store into a $60 million/year business selling wine on the internet, at www.winelibrary.com. The Thank You Economy is about the effects of social media on business, but with emphasis more on "social" than "media". Gary does not claim to be a techie, so don't think that he has some fancy algorithm or script that will immediately transform your business. To the contrary, he thinks that the internet has changed the world into a "great big small town" and that your great-grandparents would be better suited for business in the next fifteen years than today's youngsters. Back in the day, business was conducted face to face, building trust, protecting your reputation by providing superior products and services, and going the extra mile to keep customers happy. Business was upfront and personal, and poor service or products was reported to friends at the country club, trade union or PTA. During the 1950s through the 1990s, big marketing dollars filled the airwaves, influenced buying decisions and crowded out the competition. Quarterly profits became more important than principles. But the internet is the great equalizer. It has given power back to the consumer, requiring a level of customer service from businesses not seen in decades. "Social media" is not just having a Facebook page or a Twitter handle, it's providing one-on-one attention scaled to your entire customer base. What's old is new again – doing business with the personal touch of our great-grandparents' time will serve us better going forward than the impersonal, "press 2 for customer service", way that many businesses have gone.
Most specialty retailers that we deal with "get" personal service with their customers. To some, The Thank You Economy will be a validation of the culture that already exists in their business. But for all of us, Gary Vaynerchuk reminds us that manners are always in fashion; that people want to do business with those they know, like and trust; and that happy customers are worth a lot more than any other kind. And businesses who do not connect with their customers via social media jeopardize the future and existence of their very business. The Thank You Economy will give you a good shove into using social media for your, and your customers', benefit.
I have seen Gary speak at two Infusionsoft conferences. He is lively and full of zingers. I actually listened to The Thank You Economy on audio book. Gary narrates the book himself and goes off-script often to add interesting asides and updates to the book since the time it was written. It made my drive into work pass quickly for a couple of weeks – learning while being entertained, a great combination!
Buy the book today by clicking on the images below:
News & Notes |
Rett Rasmussen has been appointed to the Technical Advisory Committee of the National Chimney Sweep Guild (NCSG).
Rett will answer NCSG members' questions regarding Gas Logs and Control Systems, but will also assist with questions on gas grills, industry issues and marketing and business best practices. He will also contribute articles to Sweeping, the NCSG's monthly magazine.
Video: Infrared Myths
There are many misconceptions about infrared grills on the market. We call these "Infrared Myths":
- Small burners or blocked ports are good.
- Round rod grilling grids are desirable.
- You can change a conventional grill into an infrared grill.
- Infrared burners are only good for searing.
- Infrared is all the same, I'll just buy the cheaper one.
In this video Rett Rasmussen explores these myths and shows how and why Solaire has addressed each issue in a better way.
Watch Video
Save Gas Logs Update
On April 23, 2012, HPBA and NPGA jointly filed an opening brief in the DC Circuit Court of Appeals in our litigation challenge to DOE's first and second final rules that affect our industry. The next action will be a response from DOE, eventually leading to arguments before the Court of Appeals. Stay tuned…
Cross Country Bike Ride Dedicated to Our Country's Fallen Heroes
On April 20, 2012, my wife, Irene, and I were privileged to attend the retirement of Evin Thompson, my Naval Academy classmate and water polo teammate, after thirty years as a US Navy SEAL. On May 1, he embarked on a cross-America bike ride (the peddling kind), traveling from Astoria, OR, to Yorktown, VA (that will be over 4200 miles). Please read my send-off for Evin at http://rettras.com/
Evin is dedicating each day of his ride to a fallen SEAL or boat operator hero who has made the supreme sacrifice since 9/11/01. I am helping Evin's remembrance of these heroes by posting them to my Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/rett.rasmussen . I encourage you to donate to the Navy Seal Foundation whose mission is to assist the families of injured or killed SEALs and boat operators.
Make More Money NOW! |
Introducing the NEW Dealer Business Alliance (DBA) Program, sponsored by Rasmussen.

Here's what you get FREE:
- Advertising, branding strategies & collateral
- Inside & outside sales strategies & training
- Online PR development & distribution
- Email marketing tools & distribution
- Website deveopment & SEO Strategies
- Live & online training events
With Rasmussen and the Dealer Business Alliance program, you can make more money now.
Have you 'Liked' us on Facebook yet? |
We have pages for both Rasmussen Gas Logs and Solaire Infrared Grills. Stop on by, read our posts and feel free to contribute your photos and stories to our online communities.
www.facebook.com/GasLogs | www.facebook.com/SolaireGrills
Copyright 2012 Rasmussen Gas Logs & Grills. All Rights Reserved.